Why the iPhone is a Dreamer’s Best Friend

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...

As if it weren’t enough that the iPhone can be used as a phone, calendar, music player, camera, web browser, weather center, etc. etc. …  here’s another application. (No, not an app … not yet, anyway, but an application as in a useful purpose.)

When you wake from an exciting, exhilarating, or just plain interesting dream and you want to record it … grab that phone that you have on your bedside table (because said phone is your alarm clock, too) and use the voice memo function to record your dream.

Back in the day we’d use a tape recorder for the same purpose, but the iPhone does the old-school cassette recorder one better: With the iPhone you have a built-in light so you don’t have to fumble around in the dark looking for tape recorder buttons, plus you don’t have to worry about having a blank cassette at the ready.

More iPhone tips for dreamers:

* To make sure that late-night callers or text-ers don’t interrupt your dreams, simply put your phone on “Airplane Mode” (Settings: Airplane Mode: On) before you go to sleep. That way no calls or texts can come through until morning, when you switch Airplane Mode off.

* If you are having trouble sleeping, use the iPod on your iPhone to help you battle insomnia.  Download relaxation or meditation CDs onto your iPod. I especially recommend those that are geared toward sleep, for example the “Sweet Dreams” track on Jennifer Reis’s Deep Relaxation CD or the “Meditation for Entering Sleep” on Kim Eng and Eckhart Tolle’s Meditations for a New Earth CD. (Don’t forget to plug in your earphones so you don’t wake your bed partner.)



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9 responses to “Why the iPhone is a Dreamer’s Best Friend

  1. David

    Good info, thanks! BTW, for those dreamers among us who use a blackberry, dismay not for it too has a ‘voice recorder’ icon.

  2. Paul-emil Provost

    I do something near with an Android phone by writing me an email with each dream. With the Swype, keyboardd, on that device it is a swift. As I do not sleep alone it.s less disturbing for my wife. And I wrote a rule in my email client (Outlook) that file all the email with dream as title and me as sender in a specific folder that is then my de facto dream database.

  3. The inception app is also great!

    currently I’m working on a eeg based lucid dream induction app for the iPhone and Android mobile phones based on the NIA.
    Smartphones rock for sleep hackers! 😉

  4. Great to let the technology work for you:))
    Can you believe I just heard of the whole concept of “apps”…
    I love the Rumi by the way~!
    Just linked to you with a “♡”

  5. hey now that is interesting, for i need a little ‘voice’ recorder soonish, but i might just be tempted to also change my old phone…. mhm, will have to sleep on it. will probably also have to save up first. ai.

  6. Pingback: Lesson Learned: A New App for Dreamers (CV) | All the Snooze That's Fit to Print

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