Resolve to do New Year’s Resolutions Differently

New Year, New You

What was your New Year’s resolution for 2015? Don’t remember? Perhaps you don’t want to remember because you didn’t succeed at keeping it.

Don’t worry. 2016 is your chance to do things differently. For this last week of 2015 I’ll post a tip a day on how to succeed at making New Year’s Resolutions that really do work.

Choose HOW over WHAT

Traditional New Year’s Resolutions focus on what we want to do and change: Lose weight, exercise more, eat better, clean up our house, or clean up our act.

Instead, I recommend making resolutions that address how you want to experience your life, your days–each moment.

That’s because whether or not you succeed at getting to the gym more or digging into that half-gallon tub of ice cream less–you won’t feel any happier unless you work from the inside out.

Instead, try this:

Dream Up A Brighter 2016

  • Take a moment to consider what you want to feel like in 2016. What kind of person do you want to be?  Do you want to nurture more kindness within yourself and to experience the world as a kinder place? Are you yearning for a more peaceful world? What can you do to nurture peace within yourself and within your home? Do you want to have more fun? Feel more pleasure? Be more generous? Experience more gratitude?
  • Choose 1-3 inner qualities you’d like to focus on and write them down.
  • Make a drawing or collage that represents how each of these qualities make you feel.


Now that you know how you want to experience 2016 we’ll work on how to bring these intentions from ideas into action. Stay tuned for more tips for resolutions that work tomorrow …

Joy CoverAnd now for a word from our sponsor:

Bring more JOY into your life in 2016. My new book helps lead the way!


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