More than background music: Pay attention to your dreams and harmonize your life

This week’s theme is music …

All the Snooze That's Fit to Print

Dreams are democratic…everyone has them. And as a dreamworker I believe that they come to each of us in the service of health and healing. So, what if you don’t remember your dreams? Does that mean they are not helping you?

I look at it like this: Imagine you are eating in a café, and a pianist is playing beautiful music in one corner of the room. You eat your meal without paying much attention to your surroundings, let alone the lovely music. Does the music still have the enhancing affect it would if you were giving it your attention? Probably not.

But if you tuned in and paid attention, two things would change. First, you would enjoy the relaxing, enlivening affects of the music, and second, the music might improve. Seeing that you’ve become interested in the piece she is playing, the pianist might be inspired to play with…

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One response to “More than background music: Pay attention to your dreams and harmonize your life

  1. Re-visiting a post feels a little like a dream!
    Gives me a chance to pay attention more the second time around!!?!
    Bon jour!
    I want to hear about your drums and the music in your waking soul!

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