
About the Blog: The Other Third

This is a blog about the other third of our lives … the time we spend doing the most seemingly counterproductive thing possible from the standpoint of survival of the species. Think about it: we lie down, close our eyes, dull our senses, paralyze our bodies and watch some pretty bizarre movies.

At “All the Snooze That’s Fit to Print” we take a look at dreams from every angle, from dream journeys to dream journals, dreams that are hard to remember to dreams that won’t let us forget. We’ll include dream poetry, dream reports, dreams that tell the future, and dreams that tell it like it is. We won’t turn our back on nightmares or neglect dreams of ecstasy and bliss. We’ll examine messages from beyond and messages that seem to need a codebook to decipher. Be they sublime or ridiculous, we’ll track the territory and mine the mysteries of sleep and dreaming.

About the Blogger: You may say I’m a dreamer

You may say I’m a dreamer – and you’d be right. I’ve been waking up talking about dreams since I was 4 years old. I remember copious amounts of dreams in a single night (3 is a light night, 18 is slightly freakish, but it has happened). Because dreams are such a large part of my experience, I decided to study them. I am now a Certified Dream Therapist. Through my studies I have learned how to better understand dreams, from a scientific, psychological and mystical point of view. I work with individuals and groups to help them do the same. Based on my experience and that of others I’ve worked with, I believe that dreams offer a window into our deepest insights and can lead us onto a path of self-discovery – and speed our progress in our personal evolution. I’m also an author and educator. Visit www.tziviagover.com for more information or click here to contact me to about individual dreamwork or with any other questions.


One response to “About

  1. Hi Tzivia, Always nice to meet a fellow Dreamer! I feel most empowered and amazed through embodied dreamwork and connecting to my dream images through painting…Let the Dreams Speak! I look forward to reading more of your posts. 🙂 Happy Snoozing…. Amanda
    PS. I found my way here by way of Jean Raffa

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