Tag Archives: Global Positioning System

Your Own Internal GPS Makes the Journey More Fufilling

Chrysler 300 Dashboard - 1955

(Photo credit: MR38)

In this dream I am driving a car along a scenic mountain highway, with rising cliffs to my right, and a deep ravine with a river flowing at my left. I call over to the driver in the next lane over, and say, with my voice full of swagger: “Guess what? I’m driving without my GPS this time!” And just as I shout these words, the road tilts so it is practically vertical; my car starts to slide toward the deep ravine below. I struggle to right the car, manage to get back on the road, and wind up dead-ended at a ferry dock with no boats.

In waking life, I often say that the dream is like each person’s internal GPS. They are our own impeccable technology that can guide us to our best future – that is – if we choose to listen.

This dream, I knew on waking, was a warning and a reminder to me. There have certainly been times when I have decided to live my life without consulting my internal GPS. In these cases I decided to forgo the sage advice of my dreams and intuitions. Guess what? It never turns out too well.

When I drive my car to new destinations in waking life, it is sometimes fun to turn off the GPS on my dashboard and read a map instead. But when I steer through life itself, I am happy for the reminder to consult the GPS of my dreams and intuition. Things just seem to go better when I do.


Have you consulted your internal GPS lately?

To learn more about how your dreams can help you find your way to greater clarity into emotional issues, creative blocks, problems, or questions, contact me and set up an appointment for a dream consultation. Or visit me at Third House Moon.

Meanwhile, let your dreams lead you to your best life … and enjoy the ride!


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